Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WCMN Vegetation Surveys

Vegetation surveys have commenced this year with Terri Williams of DSE helping out. Terri was involved with the initial setting up and surveying of the three different vegetation survey types the WCMN participate in, namely malleefowl mound vegetation surveys, (6 in total set up in 2008), kangaroo exclosure plot surveys, (9 in total set up in 2007) and 50m structure surveys in all EVC types within the Wychitella NCR, (approx 20 in total set up in 2004). Replication of these surveys began in 2010 and will continue in the coming weeks.

Data from the one exclosure plot and one of the 50m transects have been compared, but no malleefowl mounds data has been analysed to date.

A general trend so far suggests that there is currently more ground cover, ie grasses and herbs and shrub growth and canopy cover has expanded. There are less patches of bare ground.

Volunteers are most welcome to help out with the surveys. 4 Bendigo TAFE students assisted with a malleefowl mound vegetation survey in September, but there is more work to be done.

Another collection of vegetation surveys the WCMN have recently set up is in the proposed 256ha burn area in the Korong Vale block of the Wychitella NCR. 11 posts were placed in the ground at various locations with the plants within a 2m radius recorded. This will provide us with some data on species type and abundance pre and post burn.

Article - Wendy Murphy

Photograph shows Wendy Murphy and Lynton Schriever carrying out a vegetation survey

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