Monday, May 16, 2011

Observers take a break

The Wedderburn Conservation Management Network “Observers” have been in Tasmania for a few weeks. While over there, they had opportunities to explore and experience an interesting range of natural environments, which are very different from this local area.

After the break, the Observers have really noticed some changes in our vegetated landscape.

Firstly, it seems that most bushes and trees in the forest have been adorned with a Golden Orb spider of some variety. Most spiders seem to have at least doubled in size, and strengthened their beautiful golden webs which are located in the most strategic position to interrupt the passage of not only their food sources, but also the humans who pass by. The spiders are marvellous to observe, catch the web in the right light and it really is golden, and so strong. There hasn’t been so many of them for years.

With hunting season open for both duck and quail these birds seem very obvious at this time. In particular the Observers have noticed increased numbers of quail, not only in open grassland (their usual habitat) but also around buildings and in lightly forested areas. A delightful sighting was of some very young quail chicks, only the size of a ten cent piece that scuttled for cover from low bush to low bush. The parent bird had tried to distract attention from the chicks by a short characteristic noisy flapping flight in the opposite direction.

The bush is so green now, particularly the understory plants. It is a wonderful time to observe nature returning to a healthier condition. Ruby saltbush is particularly green and vibrant with great contrast with the red, yellow and sometimes orange berries. With tracks drying out, it is ideal weather to get out into the forest and make friends with a spider!

Article - Wedderburn Conservation Management Network “Observers”

Photo: Golden Orb Spider

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