Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nardoo Creek gets some attention

Friday 23 March saw the utilisation of NCCMA 25th Anniversary of Landcare grant to work on Nardoo Creek in Wedderburn.
A considerable variety of local indigenous plant species were provided to plant in the areas that had space available.
The support of the Wedderburn Lions Club was appreciated. Their task was to provide a BBQ lunch, as well as tea and coffee during the morning.  Once they were set up, some members pitched in and helped with the planting until their food was required.  Loddon Shire had a truck available to take green waste, and the Parks Vic recycling trailer was also available.  It was pleasing to find so little rubbish to put into the trailer.  Wedderburn CFA assisted by providing water pumped to the newly planted seedlings.
The workers made steady progress on the planting throughout the morning and the threatening weather changed frequently, with only a few brief showers which did not stop the activity.
During the morning a few locals and their dogs walking along the creek saw the activity and took some interest in the project.  It will be worthwhile to periodically have a look at the site to check on how the plants are growing.
Annette Robertson

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